5. UFC 103 / Franklin vs Belfort / 091909
This is all Matt. I really don't know much about this whole neanderthal wrestling phenomenon, but he is all about it. To be honest, Matt has been a UFC fan for a long time. Like way before it got popular in all the trailer parks and Southern states, Matt was renting the UFC highlight tapes (in VHS format, mind you). If you guys want more UFC info, just post your questions inside any of the UFC chatroom message boards Matt frequents and I'm sure he'll get back to you (look for screenname 'matza_baller')
4. Capitalism: A Love Story / Michael Moore / 100209
The latest from Michael Moore. Love him or hate him, he makes some interesting films. Personally, I think I liked it better 10 years ago when Moore was simply an obscure documentary filmmaker and not a super polarizing public figure. But regardless, if nothing else, I'm sure this film will give Matt and I plenty of new topics to argue about and debate.
3. Open: An Autobiography / Andre Agassi /110909
I always liked Agassi more than Sampras. I don't know if it was because he was the fiesty rebel or because he was usually sort of the underdog, or both. Agassi always felt like Dennis Rodman-ish whereas Sampras just kind of reminded you of a dude who worked for H&R Block or something.

2. Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel / Mariah Carey / 092909
I'm going to keep it real and let you guys know that Matt and I are both waiting for this album to drop. And that's big because, as you know, Matt doesn't even listen to music.

1. 2009-10 NBA Season / 102709
Iverson's in Memphis, Shaq is in Cleveland and I'm holding my breath that Ron doesn't ruin the Lakers' chemistry. Plus my boy, Jason Williams (the white one, not the murderer and not the motorcycle accident one) is back from a year hiatus and running back up point in Orlando. Besides all the major Purple and Gold games, I think Matt and I will squeeze in a few Clippers runs just to see Blake Griffin. I worked for the Clippers Marketing Department one year during college, so Matt and I might have to replicate a couple All-Access employee badges (don't doubt us).
P.S. Lots of exciting 0484 stuff on the way this fall too. Few websites, few super secret projects we can't yet talk about, few random internal projects. Stay tuned.