

Me and 150,000 other people stopped by the San Diego Comic Con this weekend.

Our boy Ryan 'Goldenarm' Davis was hired to hand out postcards promoting the cast appearance and signing of our Ghost Whisperer poster.

The whole Ghost Whisperer thing seemed to go well. As you can see, once the crowd found out that they were handing out posters designed by 0484CREATIVE, it was pretty much mass hysteria.

Comic Con is definitely a unique experience. It almost defies description, but it's basically a giant room packed with a mix of Harry Potter, Star Wars and World of Warcraft fans who leave the comfort of their bedrooms once a year and show up in San Diego dressed as their favorite medieval-samurai-cartoon-wizard-super-hero.

I can't even write captions for the rest of these. Just check 'em out and imagine your own sarcastic commentary.