So, for the past couple months I've written all of these blog entries (thank you very much). When Matt manages to 'find the time' he visits our blog periodically and then calls me with overly critical advice on what I've been doing wrong (even though he admits having never read another blog before).

But now, due to some miraculous advances in technology, I was able to register Matt as a co-author of this blog. So, even though I'll still probably be doing most of the writing, once in awhile Matt will weigh in and talk about high tides or Will Ferrell or some other adorable juvenile interest of his.
Bottom line, if you pull up the blog one day and find an entry with a lot of pathetic spelling errors, rather than assume that I've suffered a traumatic head injury, now you'll know that it is simply Matt trying to contribute to 0484CREATIVE (for once).
Just so there's no confusion, because I know most of the readers on here are our friends and have never seen a blog before, the name of whoever writes each post shows up at the bottom of each entry. Also, next to author name and time of the post, you can click on 'COMMENTS' if you want to write something yourself. It's free, don't be afraid. I'm just trying to teach you how the internet works.