

Had a few meetings up in LA today.

First up was Legacy Games, located in the heart of downtown. Noticed they had a basketball court on the roof on the first floor of their building. Pretty legit too; 3 point line and everything.

When Matt and I were about 17, our Graphic Arts class went on a field trip to the famous TBWA/Chiat Day office over in Marina del Rey. They have an indoor full court with their logo painted on the floor. I can say with almost complete certainty that it was in that moment that I decided that design and advertising seemed like the right career path for me. I mean, I was always
interested in design, but that office sort of showed me firsthand the silly amount of money that could be made from designing Pepsi cans and making Taco Bell ads. I'm pretty sure that basketball court was some sort of sign from God telling me what to do with my life. (He works in mysterious ways you know?)

Anyway, meeting with Legacy went well. Lunch at Wolfgang Puck Express then I drove down the street to meet with Victor, Marco and Mr. Cartoon.

Everything there went well. It was cool to meet Cartoon. I don't have any tattoos at the moment, but if I ever was to do it,
I'd have to go with the best, right? Maybe I'll have a talk with Matt; see if he's down for some matching 0484 logo tats or something. (You never know...)