

So, the Finals are over and the bracket results have all been tabulated.

Our boy
Albert is the big winner. He was the only one who correctly predicted the Lakers over Magic in the Finals. Incidentally, had it been the Lakers over the Cavs, our little contest would have ended up in like a 20-way tie, so it's good everything worked out the way it did.

Anyway, we now owe Albert a $25 Chipotle gift card and a REPRESENT KOBE shirt. (Albert, e-mail us and let us know if you'd like the gift card in $1.25 installments over 20 years, or as a lump sum, one time $12 payout. The choice is yours buddy.)

Thanks to everyone else for playing. Wimbledon is right around the corner, so maybe if I can convince Matt, we'll throw a bracket together for that. But, you know, don't hold your breath or anything.