

Our boy Jeremy Eichenbaum is out on an extended stay in The Holy Land.

I've known Jerm for awhile. We both served time together at Cal State Long Beach. We've worked with him in the past and he's shot stuff for a couple of clients of ours. In fact, he shot some photos for us when we first got our office that are on our current homepage now.

Sometimes I think people with regular jobs look at Matt and me like we're crazy for doing our own thing without all the fancy perks and safety nets
(like getting paid) of traditional 9-5 jobs. And sometimes it seems like they might have a point, but then you look Jeremy's blog and he's out on the other side of the world snapping photographs, sleeping in a tent in the middle of the desert and it makes us seem like corporate robots. So, you know, it's all about perspective.

Anyway, check out his photoblog at icanbomb.com