

We shot this out in Milwaukee a couple months ago.

On our way back from the east coast, Matt and I stopped in Wisconsin for a couple days and met up with the homie John Pangilinan and Stan from Toyo Tires. We rented a bunch of lighting equipment and went out to Roufusport, Anthony's home gym where he does most of his training.

We shot it all in one night - mostly captured in super slow motion on this new camera we picked up recently, the Sony FS700. Anthony was cool to work with as always.

Sidenote for die-hard UFC fans - we actually filmed this as a promo for UFC 163, a fight that was scheduled, at the time, between Pettis and Jose Aldo. But the day after we filmed, Pettis flew to Brazil to do some pre-fight press and while he was there he ended up hurting himself in training and that forced him off of that Fight Card entirely. So for awhile we had this footage and there was no fight scheduled at all (Matt was sad). But then Anthony ended up getting on the UFC 164 card, which was also a title fight, AND it happened to be Milwaukee, Pettis' hometown, so it all worked out for the best.

Anyway, check out the fight this weekend. Matt and I will be there in Wisconsin - you'll probably recognize us on TV, we'll be the 2 guys eating hot dogs and not wearing Affliction or Tapout shirts.