

Episodes 2 and 3 from the 5-part series we made for Cycle World and Ducati.

A few random production notes:

Episode 2: Target Practice

We scouted locations with views of downtown LA for almost a week. Regular building rooftops would not work because they have too much junk on the top - A/C vents, satellite dishes, etc - and not enough space to ride. So we rented the top floor of this parking garage.

The 'targets' we used here were light bulbs filled with a mix of corn starch and dry tempura paint. Made for a decently cool effect when they shattered - especially when we captured it up close in slow motion.

We hallowed out the light bulbs and funneled the powder mixture into them in the car on our drive to DTLA the morning of the shoot. We prepped about 50 bulbs to account for re-takes and multiple angles. The backseat of Matt's 4Runner was about as messy as you can imagine it might be.

Episode 3: Container Yard Chaos

This Container Yard is our go-to location in Long Beach - courtesy of our boy Tim Cadiente. It's the same spot where we shot Pacquiao and a music video and a bunch of other behind-the-scenes stuff for Tim.

The container that the riders do the long stoppie through had a hardwood floor. In order for the riders to get enough grip, we bought rolls of skateboard grip tape and laid it in strips across the length of the container.

Anyway, enjoy the vids - comments and feedback have been really positive and the series has already logged a couple hundred thousand views. I'll post 4 and 5 soon - an Egg Drop vid which made a huge mess and then the finale which we filmed at Oakley.