

Couple weeks ago I mentioned we did some filming up in Sactown.

Happy to report that the video is now live - check it out below. We worked with Shriners and the team at Leo Burnett Business New York on this. So, we shot all the b-roll for this piece - meaning not the footage of the main lady, Carrie, talking - but everything else. All the little 1-second clips in the middle of the vid are all us.

Anyway, it's only about 2 minutes long, check it out.

Really like working with Shriners - they're doing a lot of amazing things everyday. We got to be really up close and personal with a lot of these patients and their families. And even though it can be really emotional, the vibe at the hospital is super positive and everyone is just really appreciative of the amazing care that the Shriners provide.

Thanks to Fabiana, Nik, Noel, Petra and Ryan for helping to make it happen.

P.S. There's another really well done, new, short 30-second Shriners spot here - we had nothing to do with this one but it's pretty cool.



Did some filming up in Venice last week.

We shot b-roll over on Abbot Kinney Blvd and then filmed a little interview with the girls of Stone_Cold_Fox.

Cydney and Dallas are childhood friends from Laguna Beach who started a clothing line together a few years ago and have now blown up. Their stuff is currently sold in boutiques worldwide and also places like Free People. Anyway, they were both super laid back and very cool. Their place was superbly decorated with a sort of vintage/Spanish/SoCal type of vibe. It was nice to get an up close look at how they've built their brand and how passionate they are about what they do.

Their story sort of reminded me of Matt and I (except that they're obviously better looking than us. And that they seem to actually be making money) But, otherwise, you guys know what I'm saying.



A couple weeks ago we went out to E3 in LA.

We worked with The ID Agency for Microsoft and Forza Horizon.

It was a crazy set up - they had a bunch of exotic cars on display and were also giving free rides out to a few lucky E3 attendees.

E3 is such a weird event and draws a really random crowd. On my way to grab lunch on Tuesday I ran into Mayor Villaraigosa. On Wednesday, iJustine stopped by the booth and took a ride in one of the Forza Ferraris. No one really recognized her at the time but I saw her on TV later and looked her up and realized that she has an unbelievable amount of YouTube views (360+ mil).

Anyway, the game drops in October so keep an eye out if you're into that sort of thing. Shout out to Victor, John, Brandon and Christian from ID. Thanks to Petra who shot all day Wednesday for us while we were actually filming down in Long Beach. Also you can check out the sick teaser vid with all the cars that ID put together for the whole setup here.

Anyway, obviously hanging out and taking photos all day was tough, but you know, somebody had to do it.



So I flew straight from Chicago to Sacramento.

Luckily I was able to catch Thunder/Spurs game 2 via DirecTV on the flight. I met up with Ryan and Petra and we filmed all day Wednesday at the Shriners Childrens Hospital. We were shooting b-roll for an online spot that's being produced by Leo Burnett New York. Very cool working with Nik and Noel from LB. Also shout out to Fabiana from Shriners for making it all happen. (Bonus flick of me dressed in even weirder hospital clothes)

On our way out of Sac, we ran into Danton at the airport. He's a friend of Matt and Ryan's from UCSD and was randomly booked on Ryan's same San Diego flight. So we all chilled and caught the Celtics/Heat at the airport bar. Game went into overtime so we all barely made our flights.

Meanwhile Matt and Josh spent all day Thursday filming some cars out at Willow Springs with The ID Agency.

These cars are part of an upcoming major feature film and they were going through some track testing.

Then, of course, we woke up at dawn on Thursday and started filming the next project.

Plus, a few shots from back home. Our boy jeffstaple graciously shipped us some reading material - reed pages and Nike Franchise magazine.

Some stuff I brought back from RSVP in Chicago.

And of course, the new black and red Air Jordan I KO's - via Proper.

Also, there's apparently a show on SPEED called Two Guys Garage and last week they aired a piece on Tayler Malsam and used some of our Orlando footage in their broadcast. So, that was sort of cool. We didn't get a royalty check or anything out of it, so it was more of just like something for our mom's to brag about type-of-thing.



Four days in the Windy City.

Basketball at the gym in the Streeter Apartments tower. Brunch at Yolk - really good Cinnamon Roll French Toast. Poker and Craps at Horseshoe Hammonds.

Tennis at Northwestern. Chicago River Architecture Tour. Fireworks at Navy Pier. Dinner (and beignets) at Grand Lux Cafe.

Tour of the Sprout Social offices. More basketball, more poker. Butter Crust Deep Dish and Chocolate Chip Pizza at Lou Malnati's.

Trump Tower Chicago. D Rose lives on the 84th floor.

Quimby's books, RSVP Gallery (Kanye's crew's store) and Saint Alfred. Stopped by the Topman on Michigan Ave - store buildout was nice, clothes were a bit weird.

I wanted to squeeze in WhirlyBall and visits to Attack Athletics and Coudal Partners but had to cut the trip a day short. Oh well, next time.