

First off, Matt and I left town for a few days.

Filmed some more stuff way out in the middle nowhere.

Had this thing for a couple days. We're rough on rentals sometime.

Then on Friday, Matt flew back into OC and he and Ryan went straight to Burbank to work on a new vid with The ID Agency.

Not sure what we're able to say about this project, at this point, but here are a few snazzy preview shots.

Meanwhile I flew up to San Fran for the weekend.

More Bay Area pics coming soon...

Meanwhile Formula Drift Round 2 took place down in Atlanta over the weekend and Spellman held down the whole FD site and worked with the crew from ID to keep that thing running smoothly. And of course the Lakers and Clippers both managed to make it to the second round of the playoffs - we've updated the NBA Burrito Giveaway Leaderboard.