

After nearly 4 years, we've finally sort of updated our website.

It's truly a miracle. There are a million excuses as to why this has taken so long, but really we've just been kind of busy doing other things.

This isn't even actually a whole new site, but it's a more of a 'temporary' single page that houses some of our recent projects. The Randy Moss video that we made earlier this year down in Daytona, for example, is up there - so for that reason alone it may be worth checking out for a few minutes.

Anyway, when you have some time to spare, go into your browser preferences and set your homepage to 0484CREATIVE.com



The Bravado website we've been working on is set to launch next week.

Here is a quick behind-the-scenes video that we put together for their site. It's footage from the photoshoot we did for them earlier this Spring. Shooting behind-the-scenes footage of ourselves was a bit weird but whatever.

Thanks to John from The ID Agency who handled all the photoshoot logistics including the In-N-Out craft service.



So we backed this project on Kickstarter the other day.

in case you live under a rock or whatever, is basically a crowd sourced online funding model for creative projects. I read about it in WIRED awhile back and I've checked out a ton of projects on the site but this was the first that I actually threw any money at.

The Classical will be a new website featuring content by some of the best sports writers in the country including our boy Lang Whitaker.

Long story short, when Matt and I launched the first Represent Kobe campaign back in 2009, Lang was writing The Links for SLAM magazine's site and he was the first (and one of the only) to shout out our project and throw us a link. He even put the image of the poster we designed on the homepage of Slamonline.com. He also gave us a link in his column for the 2010 edition of Rep Kobe as well.

I grew up reading SLAM since I was like 11 years old - so his support for our little street art project was always a big deal to me. Anyway, glad we could give back, in a small way, to something that he's involved with and definitely looking forward to the launch of The Classical.

If you want to support The Classical and get some Classical-related swag, you still have a couple of days before the funding period closes. After that, just look around Kickstarter and I'm sure you'll be able to find something to throw money behind.



Threw this Recaro Facebook page together recently.

Worked on all this stuff alongside The ID Agency. Designed and programmed everything from scratch - and programming on Facebook is sort of a pain (at least that's what Spellman tells me). Definitely the most in-depth Facebook presence we've built so far - and they're actually planning on rolling out even more content.

There are photos and videos of some of their sponsored drivers including Ken Block, Dave Mirra and Bucky Lasek. Check it out if you're into that sort of stuff.

And, in addition to all of that, here is the video which we produced for Recaro last month. It documents the making of the Cadillac CTS-V seats at Recaro's factory in Detroit. Apparently Cadillac is now playing this video as part of a series which highlights features of their CTS line.



Ryan came up from San Diego last week.

He was 'filling in' while Matt was chilling in Mexico. Anyway, Ryan is a producing wedding videos like a machine at this point.

Snapped a few photos of the DVD and Blu-Ray disc cases he's been shipping out to clients.

This wedding vid biz is no joke. The kid is shooting like 8 weddings in the next 4 weeks all over California and one down in Puerto Vallarta. Personally, I have my fingers crossed that he starts booking more stuff out in Hawaii - but we'll see.

If you have time to kill you can check out some of the videos here - this is the half-finished website that we built for him recently. Enjoy.



So, Matt got married over the weekend.

The wedding was held up north near Pismo Beach at this nice little vineyard/farm type of place.

Short ceremony, great reception, everything went well. The food was amazing - Santa Maria style barbecue - you really can't beat it.

Matt and Nicole are in Cancun this week. (Tough life, right?) Meanwhile I'm still stuck at my regular old desk eating cold pizza, learning how to use Photoshop and juggling client deadlines - no big deal.



Stopped by Hulu Headquarters out in Santa Monica last week.

My boy Albert gave me the grand tour. Apparently they shoot the Chelsea Handler show right next door.

Seems like Hulu is really blowing up. Good for them. People thought a joint venture between NBC, Fox and ABC would never work. Then they said people would never pay to watch videos on their computers. Now, with the advent of their A Day in the Life series, Hulu is starting to produce their own original programming - this should be interesting.

The offices, more or less, come off like a million dollar geek frat house. Snacks, flat screen TV's, toys and computers are everywhere. I'd have taken more pictures but sometimes I really don't feel like being like 'that guy'.

Everyone was super chill and it seemed like they were all about 25 or younger. Hung out and chatted with everyone for awhile but I was thinking the whole time that an adult was going to come downstairs and make everyone get back to work. That never happened.



The event recap video we put together last month for DJ Hapa.

Stix was amazing - really good stage presence. Robby Blackwell reminded me of Trey Songz and B Howard sort of has like a young Michael Jackson type of swag. Anyway, cool event and a lot of good music.



Went out to Vegas over the weekend for Ryan's bachelor party.

Brought some snacks, The R.E.D. Album, The Carter IV and a playlist I made especially for Ryan with all of Nicki Minaj's hits (he's a big fan).

Stayed at The South Point aka Vegas' best kept secret. We first hit this hotel a few years back, right when it opened, and for whatever reason it sort of just stuck. Now it feels like a second home. Anyway, we got a huge suite for the weekend and it was perfect - good work Shane.

Hit Capriotti's for lunch and then PF Chang's - of course - for dinner.

Raced some go karts on Saturday at this place called Fast Lap right off the strip. Had a good time. Ryan qualified first for the 'big race' but Matt actually ended up winning.

Ryan has some interesting friends. This is his boy Paul. All I really know about him is that he used to work at William Morris and that he recently found this chicken suit somewhere in San Francisco. Cool guy though. Anyway, I figure this will probably end up being this year's 0484 Christmas Card.

Anyway, good trip despite the fact that it was 105ยบ outside most of the time. Ryan had a good time and we still managed to bring him back home in one piece so everyone's happy. Bachelor parties are officially wrapped - for awhile - so now it's just time to hit the weddings.