Got to grab lunch with Kyle Busch and his fiancée Samantha Sarcinella last week.

Super busy week - ended up at a lunch meeting out in Fontana on Thursday with the two of them and a couple other folks. Both Kyle and Samantha were really friendly, very down to earth. Spent the past week name dropping and talking about the lunch - unfortunately I don't know many NASCAR fans and no one I mention this to seems to be nearly as impressed as they should be.
Anyway, meeting went well. May do some things with them in the future. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile Kyle went out and won Saturday's race in Fontana. Picked up around $88,000 for the win. No big deal.
I have no 'actual' pictures from the lunch. Matt requested that I refrain from taking photos for the blog, in the interest of what he likes to call 'acting professional'. I told him 'Fine, but you're not punishing me, the only people that are really losing out are the readers of our blog.'
Luckily for you guys I know my way around the computer a little bit and using Google Image Search and a little program called Adobe Photoshop I was able to piece together this hyper-realistic recreation of Kyle, Samantha and I at the restaurant.

Hint: Although it's nearly impossible to distinguish that this photo is a re-enactment of sorts, one way you can tell that it's likely not real is my bow tie - I seldom dress formally at lunch meetings.