As all you stalkers already know, Ryan's been working with us for awhile now so we finally got around to printing him some cards of his own. Ryan basically handles photo stuff, video stuff and a random assortment of all else. This week he's working on some vehicle wraps, orchestrating the delivery of video footage from a kid up in Seattle and helping us start the unenviable process of hiring some design interns. For as much as Matt and I complain about him, Ryan's done a really good job handling whatever we've thrown at him and maintaining a decent attitude through it all.
Besides handling most of the photo and video work, we're still a small company so Ryan sometimes also has to take care of some fairly random tasks. When I forget to return the second set of keys to the rental car, Ryan mails them back to Enterprise and includes a handwritten note apologizing for my boneheaded behavior. You can't beat that.

Unlike Ryan, whose mugshot ends up on this blog all the time, you kids have never seen Spellman before. To tell you the truth, I've barely ever seen him myself. He's been working with us for about 3 years but Matt and I have only met up with him only once, for about 15 minutes a few months ago up in LA.
Long story short - we found Spellman on CraigsList way back when we were trying to program the e-mail forms underneath Eviction Notice and knew fairly little about how websites worked, let alone how to code PHP forms. Spellman was like a teenager at the time and stepped in and helped us out. He told us he'd taught himself how to code by setting up his mom's eBay store for Beanie Babies.
Three years later this kid programs everything for us. He has no formal computer programming education, no legit work experience and yet he's basically a self taught computer savant. Anyway, I can't overstate how incredibly capable and efficient this guy is. He literally rides his bike and does random errands during the day, codes for us for a few hours in the afternoon and then spends his nights inside crazy internet forums and places that you and I have never heard of.
Anyway, now you guys know who does all the real work while Matt and I surf and nap.