Spent most of last week shooting photos and video of Nascar driver Tayler Malsam for Iron Horse Jeans.
This kid is living the life. First off, he's 21 years old. His best friend Andrew manages his website and works, lives and travels with him everywhere. They're both from Seattle but now live in North Carolina along with all the other Nascar drivers.

Every week, Braun Racing Team charters a private plane for Tayler, Andrew and their crew out to the race city on Thursday. Friday is practice and time trials. Saturday is race day then the charter back to NC. Other 4 days of the week are spent in the gym, in the garage and chilling out.

Anyway, Tayler and Andrew were both really cool. Had the chance to hang out with them for a couple days - work, gamble, chill. Definitely a good time. It's always interesting to me to get to know people who are actually living their dream. Matt, Ryan and I were pretty die-hard Nascar fans by the end of the week.

Abq mobile office

Mocha Mud Pie from Elephant Bar - best dessert ever?

This was my favorite trip photo

We need to write a book - Creative Golf Cart Uses for Professional Photoshoots

Budget was out of Range Rovers so we got this Kia Sedona minivan instead. Thank God we bought the supplemental rental insurance. First off, the white scratches that you can sort of see here on the bumper came from when Tayler wanted to get crazy one night and started treating our rentals like bumper cars. Then we stopped at Pei Wei on the way to the airport and someone keyed the van twice - yeah, I know I parked in the '10 Minute Only' spot - but I think we can all agree that vandalizing cars isn't really an appropriate parking enforcement penalty.