Quick NASCAR story.
So we've been working with this denim upstart Iron Horse Jeans for the past 9 months or so. We handle everything for them. Created all their branding, packaging, collaborate on their marketing strategy, handle their website, photography, and we actually work with their fashion designer and consult on a few of the jeans design decisions. (We had a meeting with them on Monday where, amongst other things, Matt and I argued about thread gauge and denim construction details)
Anyway, the point is Iron Horse has been making some major moves recently and about two weeks ago they became the title sponsor of Tayler Malsam's #10 car in Nascar's Nationwide Series.

So they hit us up and told us they needed graphics for Tayler's new car. It was a super tight turnaround - I think we did it in about a day and we mocked up like 7 or 8 different possible wraps. We worked with a guy named Sean from Blackbeard Creative, who is part of Tayler's team, and threw this together.

We finalized the graphics last Wednesday.

Friday morning they applied the wrap to the car.

Couple of the Iron Horse Jeans guys went out to Kentucky to see its' debut. They sent me some photos of the car Saturday morning before time trials and said everything looked good.

I forwarded the pictures to Matt and said something like 'Hey, check out how the car turned out. It'll be kind of cool to turn on ESPN and see our logo zipping around the track.'
But then of course on Sunday, this happened:
There goes $125,000.

Good news is that Tayler's alright. Don't worry, they're working on his new Camry as we speak.

And the Iron Horse crew actually had this hood removed and shipped to them to hang on the wall at their offices in San Diego.