I. I was in San Diego on Saturday and Ryan asked Matt and I to go to some weird little indie folk band concert with him. Believe it or not, I don't listen to a lot of indie folk music and Matt doesn't listen to any music at all, so needless to say we politely declined. Then, this morning he told us that Blake Lively happened to be there

II. Checked my e-mail and found out that UPS lost those Kobe's I ordered last week. (Don't panic, Nike's supposedly sending me another pair.)

III. Then, to top it all off, this unranked, unknown Chinese kid (not me) beat Roddick in five sets today at Wimbledon. Unbelievable. Just yesterday ESPN ranked Roddick as the favorite to finally win this event since Federer and Nadal struggled last week. I'm not sure if the ESPN.com writers did that just to needlessly raise my hopes even more or actually they probably just officially jinxed him.
When Roddick turned pro ten years ago, he had 4 goals: to win Davis Cup, the US Open, Wimbledon and to one day be the World's #1 ranked player. He's done everything except win Wimbledon even though he's reached the Final three times and lost to that stupid robot Roger Federer in each instance.
Whatever. Monday's suck. I'm taking the rest of the day off. (Don't tell Matt)