Saw the new Milton Glaser documentary To Inform & Delight last night.
Glaser is one of the biggest living American graphic designers. Although I'm sure you've never heard of him, which just shows you that nobody appreciates the arts nowadays (at least that's what my Dad always says). Anyway, it was a cool film and the screening, which took place at the Orange County Museum of Art, was sort of packed which was quite surprising.

Glaser designed the original 'I Heart NY' campaign which has been plastered on every cheap tourist trinket imaginable and re-appropriated millions of times. He did the project pro bono and has never received any money from what is one of the world's most iconic designs. Above is a newer version which Glaser developed post 9-11.

Hillman Curtis put together this nice 5 minute video about Glaser a few years ago. (It's basically like the Cliffs Notes version of 'To Inform & Delight'.)