New music - first.
From the forthcoming documentary about Lebron James' high school exploits, More Than A Game, comes this nifty new little rap song, entitled 'Forever'. Matt and I actually saw Lebron play in high school once, at a tournament at UCLA. Coincidentally it ended up being his worst game ever and he finished with 15 points or something pathetic like that.
We saw Sebastian Telfair play at the same tournament and both thought that he was going to be better than Magic Johnson. Then, a year after that, we saw Dwight Howard play at age 17. We decided that he sucked and would probably never be better than a Manute Bol lookalike. These are some of the reasons why we never made it as pro talent scouts and stick to drawing doodles on the computer instead.
Anyway, here is 6 minutes of Drake, Lil Wayne, Kanye West and some white guy from Detroit. Put this song on loop, grab a lemonade, act like you're slaving away all day at your computer and you too can pretend like you work for 0484CREATIVE.