

We put this video together recently for our friends over at Imprint.

This was a few months in the making - we did a lot of interviews to put this all together, jeffstaple, Julia from interTrend, Levi Maestro in Manhattan Beach, John Jay up at the Wieden+Kennedy office in Portland and Adam from Knockaround Sunglasses down in San Diego.

Adam has an awesome story - dude went from selling $8 sunglasses one pair at a time from a little online store, to pushing like $7M of shades a year. Anyway, he was super nice, gave a very humble and revealing interview and really helped the story of the video come together. He had 2 ping pong tables at Knockaround HQ and gave me and the guys free glasses so obviously now we're fans for life.

Anyway, Imprint is out there handing out money to entrepreneurs and making dreams come true - if you have an idea, click here to pitch 'em.

Thanks to John Hall at Imprint for helping to make it all happen. And for the black becomb Infinity Pieces :)