I recently spent a day hanging out and filming with Lumi founder Jesse Genet.
Lumi Inkodye is a sunlight-sensitive line of colored dyes that you can use to print everything from t-shirts to upholstery.

Long story short: I heard about this stuff on Uncrate about a year and a half ago and bought a kit to test out and play around with. A few months later I got to meet Lumi co-founder Jesse Genet at her company Holiday party. And then about a month ago I was able to get a tour of their company headquarters located in the Brewery Arts Complex in Downtown LA and film Jesse giving a product demo and talking about how far the brand has come.

Jesse and her business partner both dropped out of Art Center to start the business. Last year they raised over a quarter of a million dollars on Kickstarter to continue growing their product line.

Jesse has an amazing story of building this brand and the product itself is pretty revolutionary - it's a low cost, accessible alternative to traditional screen printing. It's always inspiring to see young, hungry people chasing their dreams and creating their own lanes. Jess was super chill and extremely easy to film and work with. Excited to watch where Lumi goes from here.

For more details, check out
their site.