

Started working on a new project last week along with our boy jeffstaple.

Jeff was in LA and we were able to link up and film a few things with him.

We're not really allowed to say too much about it for now but it'll be in the works for the next few months and we're excited that it's underway and all starting to come together.

Nothing makes you feel like you don't own enough sneakers quite like hanging out with jeff for a day. He had some fresh Puma Pigeons on, of course.

Anyway, really need to get back to blogging and distributed bootlegged rap music on here soon. That'll hopefully happen shortly, stay tuned.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone who came by the office last week for our Open House and had pizza and watched the Celtics game with us. More, much bigger and crazier office events to come. Also shout out to everyone over at Imprint lab and InterTrend for throwing a killer event last Friday.

Last but not least, the first 2 series are wrapped and the Leaderboard has been updated. Enjoy your weekend, we're heading up to Monterey in the morning with Ducati for a few days so don't spoil any of the NBA games this weekend for me - I'm recording them :)