Got to go out to Detroit recently and film at the Ford Mustang factory for a day.

The schedule was a bit hectic (what's new?) - we filmed for another project, also with The ID Agency, on a Monday, here in Irvine. Then we packed everything up and got on a red-eye and landed in Detroit Tuesday morning. Drove straight from the airport to the factory and got to work. #moneyneversleeps

Anyway, the factory was an amazing place to shoot. They gave us free reign, which was nice, and let us wander the whole place and capture whatever we needed.

Filming the cars as they pass through inspection and come off the assembly line.

One of the 2 Mustangs we rented for the trip - 6-speed, it was fun to drive.

Went out to a local racetrack the next day to snag a few action shots. Ryan shown here doing the tripod workout.

That's our boy Tanner Foust behind the wheel. We had a blast filming him all afternoon on the track. Anyway, excited to edit this stuff - should be fun.