Couple months ago, we stopped by the High Museum of Art in Atlanta.
Matt and Ryan and I were out there filming for Pirelli and on our way back to the airport we had a couple of hours to kill. Pulled up the New York Times' "36 Hours in Atlanta" feature and figured the High sounded like a good way to spend the afternoon.

On the top floor they had this weird mirrored half dome sculpture - kind of cool though.

They also had some KAWS stuff on display.

And this impromptu portrait reenactment was of course the highlight of the day. To be honest, it took us about 6 tries just to get it to this point. We almost had it down exactly except Ryan got impatient with us, after the first 10 minutes, and refused to continue snapping further attempts. (Real Pageant of the Masters-ish, right?)

Anyway, picked up a couple cool posters from the gift store as well - definitely a good time. Next time you're down south, check it out. New York Times Recommended and 0484 Approved :)