

It's been a busy couple weeks.

A lot of meetings and video shoots and traveling and energy drinks. No time to blog or sleep or shower or fill out a bracket much less watch the games.

Anyway, don't panic, regular updates should resume soon. In the meantime, if you really miss us, you can always stalk us via Twitter.

I found this recent rant from Gary Vaynerchuk about an hour ago - really agree with a lot of the sentiments in this piece. This blog is supposed to be the behind-the-scenes story of Matt and I (and Ryan and Spellman) building 0484 and figuring it all out along the way but honestly it's just such a small fraction of the full story.

90% of what we do is simply a grind. Only the fun looking stuff ever really makes the blog. There's so much bullshit that goes into running this whole thing that it's not even funny. But it's all about getting to the next level - over and over and over again. Some days it is fun but other times it really feels like work. Such an insane schedule the past couple weeks. We filmed 6 different videos since Saturday. If there was ever a sweatshop masquerading itself as a creative agency, this is what it would look like.

With that said, I wouldn't trade this for anything. And don't forget, Matt and I are still just kids. Come see us in 6 years.