

Went out to Vegas a few weeks ago to film a couple things.

Shot some cool stuff with Amir Sadollah. Amir's a UFC Fighter from Virgina who won The Ultimate Fighter a few years ago. We met up with him and spent the day out at Randy Couture's gym, Xtreme Couture.

The NASCAR Driver we work with, Tayler Malsam, came out to the gym as well. Amir got him in the octagon and showed him a few things. Amir was super chill - really nice guy. Great to work with - really looking forward to that video getting edited and coming together.

The South Point actually sold out at one point so we headed to the strip and stayed at The MGM Grand with the rest of Team Malsam. We got one of the remodeled rooms and grabbed dinner at The Grand Wok - it was all good.

Friday and Saturday we spent some time at the track with Tayler and the G-Oil/TriStar Racing team.

Decent race - Tayler caught a bit of damage from a car that was already a lap down but he held on for a 16th place finish.

Sam travels with Tayler and does it all for him including shooting sick stills and video every week both on and off the track. Really cool guy and definitely keeps everything running smoothly for Tayler. Plus he bought us dinner so naturally we taught him how to play craps.

The homie Amir actually came out to check out the race which was cool. Hung out in the pit all day with us and the crew and sort of soaked it all in.

The frenzy that follows Danica around is sort of insane but she seems to handle it pretty well. Through the first 5 Nationwide races this season, Tayler is currently 8th in Points Standings. Danica, meanwhile, is down in 17th. #nobigdeal



It's been a busy couple weeks.

A lot of meetings and video shoots and traveling and energy drinks. No time to blog or sleep or shower or fill out a bracket much less watch the games.

Anyway, don't panic, regular updates should resume soon. In the meantime, if you really miss us, you can always stalk us via Twitter.

I found this recent rant from Gary Vaynerchuk about an hour ago - really agree with a lot of the sentiments in this piece. This blog is supposed to be the behind-the-scenes story of Matt and I (and Ryan and Spellman) building 0484 and figuring it all out along the way but honestly it's just such a small fraction of the full story.

90% of what we do is simply a grind. Only the fun looking stuff ever really makes the blog. There's so much bullshit that goes into running this whole thing that it's not even funny. But it's all about getting to the next level - over and over and over again. Some days it is fun but other times it really feels like work. Such an insane schedule the past couple weeks. We filmed 6 different videos since Saturday. If there was ever a sweatshop masquerading itself as a creative agency, this is what it would look like.

With that said, I wouldn't trade this for anything. And don't forget, Matt and I are still just kids. Come see us in 6 years.



Went back out to Vegas last week.

Matt and Ryan and I did some filming with a UFC fighter.

Shot on location out at Randy Couture's gym.

Matt's wanted to work on something like this for awhile, so I'm glad it all came together.

Plus I managed to pick up a few grappling tips.

More to come...



We did an interesting shoot down in the LA subway a couple weeks ago.

Stefan Sagmeister and Hillman Curtis are making a feature length documentary and we worked with their production house Group Theory and contributed some footage.

Stefan is an Austrian graphic designer working out of New York. He's famous in the design world for working on album covers for artists like the Rolling Stones. He also has a practice of taking year long sabbaticals every 7 years. During which, he works only on personal projects and accepts absolutely no client work.

I read his book, Made You Look, last year which offered very intimate insight into how he deals with clients and runs his business - it was pretty amazing.

Hillman Curtis, on the other hand, is a super legit web designer and maker of online films. He literally was one of the first guys to design killer Flash websites in the 90's and then also a pioneer in digital cinema for the web.

I watched his short Roof a few years ago as well as some of his commercial work and it really made me think differently about digital video. Anyway, both Hillman's and Stefan's work have really influenced what we do, so it was cool for us to get the opportunity to film for them.

Matt and I had actually never been on the LA subway before. It wasn't too bad - seemed a bit cleaner than New York although it smelled pretty similar. Anyway, we're really looking forward to The Happy Film.



Stopped by the Neon Sign Graveyard when I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago.

This is the spot where all the old Vegas signs come to die.

They're actually working on a proper museum, but for now most of the signs are just laying in this old parking lot.

The old Treasure Island skull

Stardust closeup

Anyway, very cool spot. Great way to kill an hour in Vegas.