Our boy Tayler Malsam kicks off the 2012 NASCAR Nationwide Series this Saturday.
I wouldn't normally admit something like this but we're actually playing in a Fantasy NASCAR pool this year. Tayler's homie Bloggo arranges the whole thing as a fun way for everyone to keep up with the latest NASCAR news. So this year, Matt, Ryan, Spellman and I are taking part along with all of Tayler's crew from Seattle. Should be fun. Anyway, if you catch Matt in a Dale Jr. baseball cap soon, at least now you'll know why.
Meanwhile, leading up to this season we've been working on a few things for Tayler's camp. We re-skinned his website, all new colors, photos and sponsor logos to reflect his new deal with Green Earth Techologies' G-Oil. We also threw together a new custom Facebook landing page for him yesterday. And, to top it all off, we launched this short video as a prelude to the upcoming season.
This was from our shoot down in Orlando in December. Matt threw some pretty sick motion graphics on top of the car shots in this. Real next level-ish, check it out.