We produced a short commercial a couple weeks ago for a new firearms tech company.
Which of course makes sense, because as you guys know, we're really into guns and bullets and stuff like that.
Anyway, we worked on this project with The ID Agency of course. The device we featured was a prototype and everything is all NDA-ed out, so we're probably not supposed to talk about any of the details just yet. The project went really well though - we handled everything from casting and locations to shooting and editing. We shot over 2 days, one in December at a private gun range in Simi Valley and then in early January we rented a little apartment up in Hollywood and shot there for a day.
The place we got in Hollywood had really nice decor but it was super tiny. And we were shooting it as 2 different homes for the sake of our project, so we had to get really creative with how we moved around the furniture and positioned the cameras from scene to scene.
Casting and working with actors really took me back and reminded me of my time in Film school. We only held auditions for one afternoon but we were thankfully able to find some really talented people which was nice.
Anyway, don't be surprised if someday you see this photo on the About page of Ryan's Wedding videos website.