Things got hectic last week, here's what you missed.
TUESDAY we went to a dinner with Tim Cadiente from Barton Perreira. It was sort of a Wrap Party for a shoot we helped work on a couple weeks ago. I'll throw some photos of that up as soon as I'm officially allowed to. Anyway, had some steak at 555 East in Long Beach - good time.
Got this sample of AeroShot Energy in the mail - it's like breathable flavored energized mist or something that comes in a little inhaler cartridge. Neither Matt nor I drink coffee - we'll see how this goes.
WEDNESDAY we went up to The ID Agency offices in LA and cast actors for a little commercial shoot we're working on.
We're also working on a small thing next week for Shriner's Hospitals for Children and they mailed us a few flash drives. We're shooting some stuff for them at this year's Tournament of Roses Parade.
A couple issues of Arkitip came in the mail - old and new. This Sheperd Fairey one with a stencil cover is legit - I'm looking forward to catching up on these.
THURSDAY Matt went up to Santa Barbara and he and our boy Josh actually shot video of a wedding proposal for Cloudless. The client hired a planner, a photographer and us to document the entire proposal - kind of a cool idea.
Meanwhile Ryan and I went to The ID Agency Holiday Party. Sushi, bowling and karaoke (don't look at me, it was not my idea). Anyway, really good time. Nice to chill with everyone outside the office. Ryan and I hit Krispy Kreme on the way home, came back to OC and went to sleep around 3AM and woke up 5 for the commercial shoot.

FRIDAY we shot at a private gun range out in Simi Valley all day. Shoot went well. More details later.
Our 0484 Holiday cards arrived from the printer. I'm leaving tomorrow for a week so these will probably start making their way out the door in early January. Whatevs, not too worried about it.
SUNDAY New sneakers courtesy of my brother. Would've been such a perfect Christmas if only the Lakers could've executed down the stretch. Oh well. Rose is a beast. Lakers reserves look real questionable (and pale).
Anyway, Ryan and I are going on a little trip. I'm currently downloading Horrible Bosses, Reservoir Dogs and Page One: Inside The New York Times on the iPad in preparation for the flight. Sort of a random movie assortment, right? Our flight is this afternoon - I haven't started packing yet but the good news is that I did just find my passport.