Ryan's such a sweetheart. He picked up a couple new books for me recently. The Jobs bio, of course.
The new Seth Godin joint is about the end of 'mass culture' and how the digital age gives rise to more choices and customization of everything across the board. Hope to get around to reading these one day soon.
Album of the year(?). As much as I was awaiting this album, when it leaked a few weeks back I never bothered to download the bootleg. Not because of any ethical piracy qualms - definitely not - but in cases like this, I'd just rather wait and get the final product the way the artist intended - the real versions of the songs, the full sequenced album, etc.
It's definitely slower and more introspective than Thank Me Later. A lot more similar to So Far Gone. I like 'Look what you've done'. I'm a sucker for personal storytelling types of songs.
Passes from last week's Panigale premiere. CNN actually ran a short piece about Ducati the other day, check it out.
For the past couple of years we've used an online time-tracking and invoicing system called Harvest. It's really convenient, easy to use, etc. Keeps things organized which is good. Anyway, the team from Harvest sent us this Business Leadership book as a gift recently which was really nice of them.
Black Incipio Feather iPhone 4 cases. Great case but the corners tend to crack and come off every once in awhile if you beat your phone up too badly. Therefore we got a few replacements this week. Incipio sent us these as part of their Influencer Marketing program where they gift product to influential bloggers and social media personalities.
Just kidding, nobody reads our blog, we bought these online. Amazon Prime baby.