

Found this timelapse on one of our hard drives the other day.

This was from a few months back when Matt and Ryan and I were out in Colorado Springs with The ID Agency and Ducati. We were on a really weird schedule - each day's itinerary looked something like this:

2AM: Wake up call
3AM: Frosted Donettes®, orange juice and Aspirin (for the altitude) for breakfast in the car while we drive up to Pikes Peak
4AM - 11AM: Film motorcycle stuff
12PM - Chick-fil-A lunch
1PM - 3PM: Download, back-up and convert footage
3PM - 12AM: Edit daily recap video and submit to Ducati

We did that for a few days in a row. It was tiring. At one point we threw a GoPro up in the corner of our hotel room to document a small part of the process.

A few notes:
1. From the looks of things, it appears like the Marriott where we stayed did not have a housekeeping staff on duty.
2. At 0:18 I seem to take a short inadvertent nap.
3. Though not at all surprising, out of the 3 of us, Matt appears to be the only one who works the entire time and does not sleep or disappear for any portion of the video. Watch him - he works on 3 different laptops all over the room. That's why he always wins 0484 Employee of the Month.