Last shots from our week at Pikes Peak.

Mobile office.
Experimented with a few things. Don't try this at home.
One of my favorite shots all week. Matt hard at work - 14,000 feet up in the middle of nowhere.
Behind the scenes: When you're multi-tasking on a week of no sleep, lists are imperative. (Matt doesn't exactly have the strongest short term memory to begin with...)
Hardly any guard rails at this place. I asked one of the Ducati reps on day one if any of the riders had ever died in a crash on the mountain - he said 'I'm not sure, but I know some spectators have.' So, that was comforting.
These guys are pushing things hard - they're trying to set world records. They end up sliding off the road way more than you'd think. We tried to keep that in mind all week in between worrying about getting the best shots.

The 3 of us along with Victor from The ID Agency in front of the part of the mountain the locals call 'Bottomless Pit'. Long drop. They like to say if you wreck off the road at this point you'll starve before your body hits the ground below. Yeah, it's charming - I know.
Daily video #6.
Amazing experience overall. Grueling schedule, crazy weather and really random conditions but definitely a character building type of situation. Met back up with Victor and the Ducati guys in LA this week - can't wait to finish and launch the full length short film we're working on that recaps the whole story. Stay tuned.