So when we were out in Denver we got a chance to stop by Tattered Cover.

One of the largest independent book stores in the country that is still standing. This place is a mandatory stop for any authors on National book tours.

Including everyone's favorite Nobel Prize winner.

And everyone's second favorite President of all time.

And more recently, the guy who invented the internet.

I almost picked this book up. My boy Ruchir claims it's a pretty good read.

Unfortunately Simmons is a notorious Kobe-hater so I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

Remember these Magic Eye books that were popular a long time ago? Matt's sort of eerily good at spotting the hidden images super quickly. Although the fact that Matt is very good at some otherwise useless skill never really surprises me anymore.

We actually picked this up for work. I won't even bother trying to explain what it's about. I don't think there's any witty sarcastic caption I can come up with to make this book seem cool - it's not.
This is simply a lame book for nerds.
And we were really excited when we found it.