
BOLD 9700

Finally replaced the iPhone.

iPhone had a koi pond app.

Blackberry has BBM.

iPhone had a 2X larger screen.

Blackberry battery lasts 15X longer.

iPhone had that nifty Labyrinth game.

Blackberry makes, and does not drop, phone calls.

It was a close call but I finally got tired of charging my iPhone every 20 minutes.

Meanwhile Matt's waiting until the Nexus One comes to AT&T.



So when we were out in Denver we got a chance to stop by Tattered Cover.

One of the largest independent book stores in the country that is still standing. This place is a mandatory stop for any authors on National book tours.

Including everyone's favorite Nobel Prize winner.

And everyone's second favorite President of all time.

And more recently, the guy who invented the internet.

I almost picked this book up. My boy Ruchir claims it's a pretty good read.

Unfortunately Simmons is a notorious Kobe-hater so I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

Remember these Magic Eye books that were popular a long time ago? Matt's sort of eerily good at spotting the hidden images super quickly. Although the fact that Matt is very good at some otherwise useless skill never really surprises me anymore.

We actually picked this up for work. I won't even bother trying to explain what it's about. I don't think there's any witty sarcastic caption I can come up with to make this book seem cool - it's not.

This is simply a lame book for nerds.

And we were really excited when we found it.



Gabe, Robert & I went to play a little golf Sunday morning out in Oceanside.

Gabe showed up about a half hour past our tee time. (He doesn't do too well with appointments before 10am)

And then he lost about a dozen balls throughout the day.

I'm not sure what the final scores were - I'm pretty sure Gabe put the score card through the shredder.

But at least we didn't hit anyone or damage any property (this time), so that's always a plus.



First of all, when I woke up Wednesday morning there was a Tornado Warning for Newport Beach.

By the time I realized that the weather police were not joking, the threat had apparently passed. Anytime they interrupt The Price is Right I know that they must mean business.

Anyway, then I drove down to Matt's in San Diego. It was Restaurant Week this week - so which 5-star dining establishment did we decide to visit?

A little Italian place called "Domino's". (We actually didn't discover that it was Restaurant Week until Thursday)

As you guys may have heard, Domino's decided to switch things up and start serving real pizza for the first time in 50 years. The new recipe is good - I thought it tasted much better than their old stuff. Matt liked it too but he also can't remember there being anything wrong with the old Domino's pizza. I'm not sure if that's more to blame on a taste bud deficiency or memory problem on his part.

Anyway, Thursday we had a meeting at Iron Horse Jeans and then grabbed dinner at Hash House a go go.

Matt: Mashed Potato Cheddar Burger and Fries

Me: Sage Fried Chicken and Bacon Mashed Potatoes

My brother recommended it. Good food, nice atmosphere, lots of sort of weird/different menu choices, huge portions - 0484 approved.



Matt and I celebrated Martin Luther King Day at the Laker game last night.

We thought it'd be good matchup. It was the first time they'd faced each other since last year's Finals.

Dwight played well - especially in the first half.

But Kobe struggled all night - but so did that crybaby Vince Carter.

Special edition kicks for MLK day

Luckily Farmar came through for the Lakers. Matt's counting down the days until he takes over Fisher's starting spot.

Apparently Leo and Bar are back together. I don't know what she sees in that guy. First of all, his hat is not fooling anyone - he doesn't even have a college degree... or his own graphic design business... or a kick-ass blog. So whatever.

Good day for Shannon - he got the official invite for next month's Dunk Contest in the morning and then went for a career high twenty-two.



Matt and I spent the week working in Denver.

TUESDAY: Left OC at dawn. Matt flew from San Diego and was on United Flight #0484. Needless to say I was jealous.

Packed for Denver like there would be a blizzard. As you can see it was actually unseasonably warm.

Invesco Field

Coors Field

We picked up some equipment at Lighting Services Inc. ...

...and got to work.

Iron Horse Jeans product samples

WEDNESDAY: A few sites from Downtown Denver

Delectable Egg - Best breakfast in Denver. Although we didn't eat there this trip because we were sort of swamped with work. Instead Matt had stale bagels every morning and I ate microwaved Campbell's soup from our hotel lobby.

THURSDAY - We were scheduled to fly home on the 14th, but our client held us hostage we willfully and cheerfully agreed to stay an extra day in order to help out with a few more things.

FRIDAY - Flew back to California. Looking through these photos on the plane I realized that I missed capturing some of the best parts of the trip: the time I spilled Fruit Loops in our van, when Matt and I got a parking ticket, the time I spilled soup in our van, when Matt got us lost and then wrongfully blamed my navigational skills, and one afternoon, after several extremely long days, when Matt and I were sitting in a room working and I accidentally fell asleep mid-conversation with him and he yelled at me.

SATURDAY - Home sweet home. Cavs at Clippers. Can't believe my boy Blake is out for the season. Such a bummer.



Matt and I are headed to Denver tomorrow at dawn.

Home of Chipotle, Tattered Cover and The Birdman.

I'm hoping to avoid frostbite - keep your fingers crossed.



Few iPhone pics from this past week.

Went down to San Diego to do a little photoshoot for Iron Horse Jeans.




More photos

New Black Card, I mean Plum Card, came in the mail. Old one was getting pretty beat up. Plum is the new Black anyway.

Dwight Schrute + stress ball = best Christmas gift ever