Need to stop by the Apple store and grab one of these on my way home today.
For the record, I was never a big fan of Apple's 'Mighty Mouse' - sort of heavy (in terms of mice) and the left/right clicking on it was clunky - so I've been using these wireless Logitechs (below) with tiny nano-receivers for awhile. The receiver is so small you can basically leave it plugged in all the time. (The first time I unplugged it to use its' USB port, the receiver was so damn small that I lost it within 30 seconds and had to buy a whole new mouse - for real)

But the new 'Magic Mouse' works via bluetooth, so it's receiver free.

And I've been meaning to pick up one of these for awhile as well - custom designed by Brent Rollins for Undefeated. I'll admit that $22 for a mousepad is a bit questionable, but I missed the last batch (below) and I'd been searching for one ever since.
I know this all seems a bit overboard, but try to remember that Matt and I spend about 16 hours a day, sometimes more, on the computer.
We are professional mouse clickers.
We are professional mouse clickers.